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Registering Usernames

This section covers how to programmatically register Subsocial Usernames on the Subsocial blockchain.

What are Subsocial Usernames?

Subsocial usernames allow you to map a human-readable name to your Substrate account. Read more here.

To register a Subsocial username from a web UI, go to

Registering usernames

To register new usernames, you need to pass a set of details to create the transaction:
fullDomain: Bytes | string | Uint8Array,
content: SubsocialSupportContent
| { None: any; }
| { Other: any; }
| { IPFS: any; }
| string | Uint8Array,
expiresIn: u32 | AnyNumber | Uint8Array)
fullDomainFull username like myname.sub
contentThe content field can have a value like a string, IPFS content, a URL, or Subsocial defined object.
expiresInThe number of blocks after which a username expires.


const username = 'ramesh.sub'
const content = {
IPFS: 'my custom content'
const expiresIn = 1000

const substrateApi = await api.substrateApi
const usernameTransaction = await, content, expiresIn)

Updating content

To set content for an existing username, you can use the following method: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, content: SubsocialSupportContent | {
None: any;
} | {
Other: any;
} | {
IPFS: any;
} | string | Uint8Array)
domainExisting username like myname.sub
contentThe content field can have a value like a string, IPFS content, a URL, or Subsocial defined object.


const username = 'ramesh.sub'
const content = {
IPFS: 'my new custom content'

const substrateApi = await api.substrateApi
const usernameTransaction = await, content)

Updating values

Each username entity has properties called innerValue and outerValue that can be set by the user. Generally, we use innerValue for referencing a particular space on the Subsocial blockchain and outerValue for websites or URLs.

To set values for an existing username, you can use the following method: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, valueOpt: Option<PalletDomainsInnerValue> | null | Uint8Array | PalletDomainsInnerValue | {
Account: any;
} | {
Space: any;
} | {
Post: any;
} | string)
domainExisting username like myname.sub
valueOptThe value opt can point to entities on the Subsocial blockchain like Space, Account, Post, etc.


const username = 'ramesh.sub'
const valueOpt = {
Space: '1'

const substrateApi = await api.substrateApi
const usernameTransaction = await, valueOpt)